Donate now to help us continue providing quality health and wellness care to the residents and workforce of the Greater Williamsburg community

Your gift is the gift of health to someone in our community.

Donate now to help us continue providing quality health and wellness care to the residents and workforce of the Greater Williamsburg community image




Your gift is the gift of health to someone in our community.

For 29 years we've been providing primary care, dental, vision, behavioral health and medication access to adults and children in greater Williamsburg who are underserved, uninsured or under insured.

Our mission is to assure access to quality health and wellness care to the residents and workforce of the Greater Williamsburg Community. Your generosity allows us to continue to provide these services to a population that is underserved in our community, can't receive traditional healthcare or have financial limitations.

When our community is healthier, our community is stronger!

For offline donations please mail checks to:

Olde Towne Medical & Dental Center

5249 Olde Towne Road

Williamsburg, VA 23188